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Writing our version of linux wc

Coding Challenges

import BlogFooter from "../footer"; We have all at some point used the Linux _wc_ command line tool while developing something, but have you ever thought of making it? Today we will be tackling how to build our own version of _wc_ offering most of the functionality: - Counting lines - Counting words - Counting characters - Measuring the number of bytes Using the beloved **Golang**. ## Left off start by initilizing your project and create a `main.go` file as our entry point: ```bash mkdir ccwc cd ./ccwc go mod init ccwc touch main.go ``` ## Step 1: Counting Bytes starting off we will need to recived command line argument from our program, so we will utilize the `flag` package which is helpfull in parsing CLI argumnets: ```go title="wc/main.go" import "flag" var showBytes bool func init() { flag.BoolVar(&showBytes, "c", false, "outputs the number of bytes") flag.Parse() } ``` Now, we are going to open the specified file path, pass the file as a `reader` for a function that calculates it's size and returns an `int` representing the number of bytes. ```go title="wc/main.go" import "io" func main(){ var reader io.ReadSeeker filePath := flag.Arg(0) file, err := os.Open(filePath) // make sure to close the file at the end defer func() { if err = file.Close(); err != nil { throwErr("Error while closing file: ", err) } }() if err != nil { throwErr("Error opening the specified file: ", err) } reader = file } // A function that calculates the number of bytes in a reader func calculateSize(reader io.ReadSeeker) int64 { defer reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) buf := &bytes.Buffer{} nRead, _ := io.Copy(buf, reader) return nRead } ``` And now we will modifiy our `main` function to check if the user has requested to show the size of bytes using the `-c` flag or not. ```go title="wc/main.go" {21-27} func main(){ var reader io.ReadSeeker filePath := flag.Arg(0) file, err := os.Open(filePath) // make sure to close the file at the end defer func() { if err = file.Close(); err != nil { throwErr("Error while closing file: ", err) } }() if err != nil { throwErr("Error opening the specified file: ", err) } reader = file output := "" if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } fmt.Println(output) } ``` Until now are not printing the file path to the user as it's done in the original `wc`. that is because the user might not pass a file path and instead pass the file contents directly through piping: ```bash cat test.txt | ccwc ``` This is the reason also we are treating the file as a `reader` while we might have just use the `file.Stat()` struct. This is something we will tackle in the final step don't worry. ## Step 2: Counting Lines Now, we will modify our `init` function to accept the `-l` option. ```go title="wc/main.go" {2,6} var showBytes bool var showNumOfLines bool func init() { flag.BoolVar(&showBytes, "c", false, "outputs the number of bytes") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfLines, "l", false, "outputs the number of lines") flag.Parse() } ``` And we will add the function that calculates the number of lines from a reader ```go title="wc/main.go" // ... func calculateNumOfLines(reader io.ReadSeeker) int { defer reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) numOfLines := 0 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) for scanner.Scan() { numOfLines++ } return numOfLines } ``` on thing left is the modify our `main` to show the number of lines on demand. ```go title="wc/main.go" {28-30} // ... func main(){ var reader io.ReadSeeker filePath := flag.Arg(0) file, err := os.Open(filePath) // make sure to close the file at the end defer func() { if err = file.Close(); err != nil { throwErr("Error while closing file: ", err) } }() if err != nil { throwErr("Error opening the specified file: ", err) } reader = file output := "" if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } if showNumOfLines { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfLines(reader)) } fmt.Println(output) } // ... ``` ## Step 3: Counting Words We will wake the same path as we did before: - modify `init` to recieve the CLI argument `-w` - create the function the calculates the number of words - modify `main` to show the output on demand ```go title ="wc/main.go" {3,8,41-43,50-61} var showBytes bool var showNumOfLines bool var showNumOfWords bool func init() { flag.BoolVar(&showBytes, "c", false, "outputs the number of bytes") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfLines, "l", false, "outputs the number of lines") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfWords, "w", false, "outputs the number of words") flag.Parse() } func main() { var reader io.ReadSeeker filePath := flag.Arg(0) file, err := os.Open(filePath) // make sure to close the file at the end defer func() { if err = file.Close(); err != nil { throwErr("Error while closing file: ", err) } }() if err != nil { throwErr("Error opening the specified file: ", err) } reader = file output := "" if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } if showNumOfLines { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfLines(reader)) } if showNumOfWords { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfWords(reader)) } fmt.Println(output) } // ... func calculateNumOfWords(reader io.ReadSeeker) int { defer reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) numOfWords := 0 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanWords) for scanner.Scan() { numOfWords++ } return numOfWords } ``` **Good job**, we are half way there! On to.. ## Step 4: Counting Characters You already guessed it: ```go title="wc/main.go" {4,10,30-32,39-50} var showBytes bool var showNumOfLines bool var showNumOfWords bool var showNumOfChars bool func init() { flag.BoolVar(&showBytes, "c", false, "outputs the number of bytes") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfLines, "l", false, "outputs the number of lines") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfWords, "w", false, "outputs the number of words") flag.BoolVar(&showNumOfChars, "m", false, "outputs the number of characters") flag.Parse() } func main() { // ... if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } if showNumOfLines { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfLines(reader)) } if showNumOfWords { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfWords(reader)) } if showNumOfChars { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfChars(reader)) } fmt.Println(output) } // ... func calculateNumOfChars(reader io.ReadSeeker) int { defer reader.Seek(0, io.SeekStart) numOfChars := 0 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanRunes) for scanner.Scan() { numOfChars++ } return numOfChars } ``` ## Step 5: Empty as void In this scennario we will be handling when the user doesn't pass **any** arguments, we will by default show all output. This can be done easly by a simple `if statement`: ```go title="wc/main.go" {21-23} func main() { // ... if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } if showNumOfLines { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfLines(reader)) } if showNumOfWords { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfWords(reader)) } if showNumOfChars { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateNumOfChars(reader)) } if !showBytes && !showNumOfLines && !showNumOfWords && !showNumOfChars { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d ", calculateSize(reader), calculateNumOfLines(reader), calculateNumOfWords(reader)) } fmt.Println(output) } ``` ## The grand finale Until now, we didn't ouput the name of the file path passed to the CLI, because we kept in mind this step. We will add a condition to check if the user has passed a file path or is piping the file contents directly to our CLI: - If the user has passed a file path we will read the file, pass it to our program because it already implements the **ReadSeaker** interface, and will output the path at the end. - If the user piped the file contents directly, we will turn the contents into a reader and we will **not** output the file path " as it is done in the original _wc_", because there is no way of knowing the original file path. ```go title="wc/main.go" {3,5-26,36-38} func main() { var reader io.ReadSeeker var fileName string if len(flag.Args()) == 0 { b, _ := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin) reader = bytes.NewReader(b) } else { filePath := flag.Arg(0) file, err := os.Open(filePath) // make sure to close the file at the end defer func() { if err = file.Close(); err != nil { throwErr("Error while closing file: ", err) } }() if err != nil { throwErr("Error opening the specified file: ", err) } reader = file fileStat, _ := file.Stat() fileName = fileStat.Name() } output := "" if showBytes { output += fmt.Sprintf("%d ", calculateSize(reader)) } // ... if fileName != "" { output += fmt.Sprintf("%v", fileName) } fmt.Println(output) } ``` ## CleanUp Our code looks a little bit clunky now, so we can extract some functioanlity into a `utils.go` file which will contain specficially the `calculate` functions. <BlogFooter />